One of the common requirements when you’re first building your website will be a website address. The URL (universal resource locator) is an address that directs your browser to retrieve a resource, which commonly is the website. A domain, in the most simple terms, is a unique address that is used to access your website. Some examples of a domain include “”, or “”.

Browsing over the internet is becoming easier, and all sorts of content can be served up using any device. With the advancement of search engine optimization, it is easier to find any kind of information, but finding your website specifically may not be guaranteed. Google, arguably one of the world’s most popular search engines and found on most devices, can be used to search up a brand name without even needing to type in an address. The search delivers all relevant results, with the top results being the most relevant to your search. When you want people to reach your website, typing in your name, or your brand name should ideally bring it up as the top result on Google.
However, searching for a topic is still dependent on different factors and may not help you if your web presence is still new. It is possible for a search result to be a relevant third-party, rather than the actual brand itself. For a real estate example, I could search for a particular agent, but the top result may be another agent’s website that maybe references that agent or their listings. So how do we make sure that people are finding your website directly?
Be found easier.
It’s easier for your website to be served up directly if someone uses a domain to request it. A search for your site won’t be required, and other websites won’t appear in the results potentially competing with your website. In terms of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), most search engine will rank websites with domain higher in their algorithms, particularly for country-specific domains (such as .ca for Canada). This is because web searches use location to tailor results to whoever is searching.
Brand recognition.
How you label yourself and your business doesn’t just end up getting found on your website, it has the potential to be discovered in other places you post, such as social networks. Also, it can be found in third party discussions as well. People who are talking about working with you, and referring to you will likely refer to you by your name, or ‘brand’.
The content on your website also matters. Websites rich in information that also bring visitors in, increase the value of your domain, and its importance in the search results.
It looks more professional.
Did you know that having a personal domain isn’t just about having an address on your website? You can use this domain in your email address as well, strengthening the visibilty of your brand. Having a domain attached to your business helps you stand out, rather than relying on using a handle on social networks. Social networking is an excellent tool for marketing, but ultimately you have to rely on their terms of services, which can change, even on a whim. Your domain belongs to you and can be attached to your website no matter what provider you use, and as long as you keep it registered, is your evergreen address that you can add to your business cards and other marketing materials.
It’s not uncommon to find REALTORs exploring different brokerage and brand options over their career. If you use a brokerage-affiliated subdomain (such as you will be forced to start fresh with a new domain name in the event of a brokerage change. By starting with a personal domain from the beginning you can simply point it to your website regardless of brokerage affiliation. And of course, it’s always a good idea to have your website provided by a partner who allows simple and free brand changes in the event of a move.
It’s Inexpensive and Easy
After all of the reasons posted above, ultimately registering your domain is inexpensive and a very basic addition to your marketing tool kit. Setting up your domain is not difficult, especially with support from a good domain and website provider. You can register a domain between $10-$50CAD per year, which should take up a miniscule percentage in your marketing budget.
If you would like to learn more about domains or register one, get in touch.