Jumptools Insights

Find more deals with your database

It’s a challenging real estate market out there! But there’s simple and solid strategies for keeping your deal pipeline full. One of the most effective approaches? Leveraging your satisfied past clients. One happy client unlocks access to dozens of potential new clients.

Consider this: Every satisfied client you’ve worked with represents a potential source of future business. They’ve already experienced your excellent service firsthand and are likely to recommend you to others. By maintaining strong relationships with these clients, you can tap into a valuable network of referrals and repeat business.

Tap Into Your Goldmine

Real estate agents often concentrate on acquiring new contacts, sometimes neglecting the goldmine within their existing database. Here’s why having a structured referral strategy that you consistently execute against is so effective:

  1. You’re broadening your sphere of influence by tapping into your clients’ social circles.
  2. Referral prospects are coming in warmer since they know and trust the person who made the introduction.
  3. The referrer is providing a vote of confidence by making the recommendation, which is a powerful piece of social proof.

How are you staying in touch to effectively leverage your existing database? We have some insight for you!