Direct Mail Marketing
Generate quality repeat and referral business with direct mail marketing.
Direct mail continues to be the best marketing tool with proven results!
Nelson Goulart, Broker of Record at Better Homes and Gardens Signature Services shares how top producers use Direct Mail to generate repeat and referral business.
Newsletter Features & Benefits:
✓ Recipe option on back page
✓ Local Board market stats option on front page
✓ No minimum mailed quantity
✓ Choose your own mailing schedule
✓ Your photo on the postage indicia at no extra charge
✓ Local Board market stats option on front page
✓ Eye-catching double sided window envelope
✓ We take care of writing, producing and mailing of newsletters

Postcard Features & Benefits:
✓ Visually engaging, exceptionally unique
✓ Client personalization guarantees maximum impact
✓ Improve your marketing and brand awareness
✓ Eye-catching, tangible reminder of your special services